I used to
get them all the time; especially when I jumped over the fence while we played ‘Lord
of the Rings’ as kids.
I had forgotten
all about the agonising pain of them until this weekend when a little sucker
magically showed up in my foot. Not cool.

Anyway later
on it started to get infected and became more of a nuisance than it had originally
Once I
finally plucked up the courage to dig out the remains of wood, it dawned on me
that in a weird kind of way this splinter was a reflection of my past few
Well a few
weeks ago I chose to a make some decisions which weren’t exactly the best for
I probably
should clarify what I mean by ‘decisions’.
As you may
know I spent a majority of my teenage years, stuck in the all too familiar
world of insecurity, lacking any sense of value and worth. However earlier this
year I was really shaken up with the unanswered questions:
Where and who, had ever
said I was unworthy?
finding refuge and identity in the only One that had been constant the whole
time. My identity felt pretty sweet; the places that were previously filled
with worry, bitterness and insecurity where exchanged for grace, peace and joy.
Now I don’t
know why but since then I have become more aware of what I ‘fill’ myself with.
filtering what magazines I chose to read, time I spend of FB, Instagram,
Twitter, Keek, Vine……yeah you get what I mean.
Why I tell
you this is because in the last month all of that, my identity, has been
Like that
splinter, I made decisions which seemed minor, choosing to absorb magazines
that I knew would make me feel like rubbish. I was completely aware of what I
was doing, but brushed it off saying “it won’t affect me.”

From that
small choice my self-esteem and identity were ripped out from underneath me.
Feeling distant and unworthy to even turn to God, my worth and value plummeted
to a new low.
Which is why
I didn’t write any blog posts. I didn’t feel worthy enough to do so; I didn’t feel
like I had anything to offer you so silence and withdrawing altogether became my
go-to option.
So where’s the silver lining in all
Like that
splinter, it got to the point where my choices were becoming detrimental to not
just me, but others.
Reality check hit, and I got pulled
up big time.
I have
certainly been humbled in all this and like I did with the splinter, I’ve had
to revisit the wound/infection and clean it out so that it can heal properly.
I’m not the
only one who goes through these tricky times. That I know for a fact.
Which got me
thinking, what about you? Instead of me dishing out advice; I’d love to know what
golden truths you have got (everyone has something cool to share, so don’t shake
your head and say “no I don’t know any.”)
I mean:
do you do in hard times?
you turn to when you’re feeling low? Friends and Family, or Acquaintances and
people that don’t challenge you?
do you get back after those tricky times in life?
hearing from you and look forward to it.