Boil the jug. Snuggle
under the blankets and get out the Wheatie bag, cause its STORYTIME!!!

Even though I was stoked to be going, I went into it completely
drained: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I had just come out
of a wave of assignments and all that fun jazz (aka. Life in general…)
As a small group leader I had the honour of being grouped
with a legit as group of girls. However on that first day, I’m not gonna lie, I
totally had a little freak out. Each of these girls had come from different
backgrounds, social groups and beliefs, and somehow a rather I needed to figure
out a way in which I could lead that would allow them to have the best time at camp.
Let me reiterate, I was SHATTERED, DRAINED AND STRESSED going into camp….
But, and this is
where it gets super trippy…I remember spending the majority of the bus ride
down, wondering and praying about how on earth I was going to last the next
five days running on complete empty.
Over the course of
those 5 days something happened within each of those gorgeous girls. I got to see
each of them for who they REALLY were. Not who they were amongst their friends.
The stigmas created by society dropped and I realised the reality, that each of
us are beautiful when we are our true selves. Often we hide it away, worried
that no one will accept us for who we are. And that’s where it hit me.
These girls showed me what being a leader was REALLY about.

You see, leadership isn’t something fancy, it doesn’t mean
you are more ‘enlightened’ or ‘elite’. To lead means to merely be yourself, so
much so, that it gives others/those around you the permission to do the same. Be themselves.
A ‘good’ leader will lead out of their own strength; however
an ‘excellent’ leader will lead out of His strength.
You see, it’s not about the title. It’s not about how many people follow
you. It actually isn’t even about you, necessarily.
Sounds super cheesy, but to be perfectly honest I want to be
a leader like Jesus (Christ, not the guy that used to date Madonna…I wonder
what he’s up to these days…). He led out of a place of love. He saw the potential
in others even when they couldn’t see it themselves. He challenged, but he also
supported. Flip, the guy got down and washed the feet of his followers (pretty
yuck, imagine where they would have been.)
Now, I don’t know about you, but that is the kind of leadership
I aspire too. A life lived out of seeing others grow into their potential. It’s
not about being the one that everyone exalts.
Society identifies leadership as the person who is exalted,
or looked up to by others. Sure that may be a by-product of leadership, but I don’t
think it should be the definition of it. Some of the greatest leaders are the ones
that chug along, unrecognised by others. Those are the ones you want to follow.
To finish up, just a little thought: What if leadership isn’t
exclusive to those that possess ‘leadership’ qualities, what if, in fact, each
of us are ‘leaders’ in our own right. We each are in a position of influence.
We have our family, friends; and our choices do impact
them. Whether you believe you have something to offer or not, you are significant.
You may never see the bountiful fruit of what you invest into, but nonetheless,
don’t be discouraged. Some of the greatest influencers never saw the fruit of
their work, yet they choose to carry on steadfast, led by the drive of the
Try not to forget how cool you are this week, okay?
Peace and blessings y’all!