Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Wowzas Moses! Shawty, you a ten.


Shawty, you a ten


1)      Tall

2)      Dark

3)      Handsome

Lists. They work a charm when we’re planning what we need for the grocery shopping, or maybe organising what to buy for school or uni. But really?!? Lists when it comes to the person you want to date? Isn’t it a bit shallow?


After talking to some close friends of mine, my girl Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber (we go way back. Well…not really... On that note though, did you hear they are back together again, pretty crazy huh!?) Okay, maybe I didn’t ask Selena and Justin for their perspective on lists, but I did ask a few pretty good looking and awesome people, what though surrounding this age old topic.

It was actually quite interesting, because when we finally did, (yes, I babble a lot so that meant it took ages to actually get to the topic) and talk about lists*, there seemed to be two dominant perspectives.

1)      Yes. Lists are good. It gives you a good idea of what you look for in a future relationshipee and allows you to filter down the things that you like, and what traits in a person you think would complement yours.


2)       No. Lists are bad. It makes you more close minded/picky/ too selective. Besides, the reality is that, not EVERYTHING that is on your list will be fulfilled in one person. If it did then, “Why hello there Messiah, how are you doing?”

So in a nutshell there’s two ways you really can look at it. Yes, or no.


(there’s always a butt……to every joke. Okay, yes that was a poor one, it’s getting late and my humour filled side of the brain is fried…deep in batter….okay sorry, I’m gonna just shut up now before this turns really ugly.)

What was interesting though, was when I asked people who didn’t have a physical, written-down list, if they had a vague idea of what they looked for in someone, they simply replied ‘Yes.’

Which begs the age, old question:

Is a list only considered a list if it’s written down?

Yeah, I reckon so, I mean writing it down just makes it more official. It’s like a contract (well sort of, in a weird way) in that a verbal contract isn’t valid. You can’t take someone to court JUST based on their good word of mouth, you need a binding agreement. (Not quite sure were this analogy is going in conjunction with lists,) but nonetheless, I guess having a list just gives us a clearer format of explaining all the crazy things our brain keeps trying to tell us.


You’re probably getting to this point and wondering, ‘Hey Aspen, number 1, shut up.’ Yes that is valid, I do have a tendency to waffle on, and ‘number 2, if you think you’re so cool, what do YOU think about lists.’

Well, lists ARE interesting and YES, I do have a list. But wait before you give up all hope, hear me out.

I created a ‘list’ not as a checklist or a set of criteria which a guy will have to meet before he even goes out on a date with me (believe it or not some people are like that and try to see how a ‘potential’ person matches up with their list, before even making a move.) I did it rather, so that in the future, when/if/maybe I get married, I can look back and see what aspects I looked for in my ‘ideal’ guy, and how reality (if it did) matched up with what I wrote in my younger more desperate, single years.

In amongst it all, there are things, that yes I give you permission, can be super picky about. For some people its things like:

·         Needs to know how to cook

·         For others, its needs to have good manners

·         And for others, it can be as simple as needs to know how to ski (or at least willing to learn how to ski...or at least understand that every so often, even if they hate skiing, realising that we just need to escape and go up to the mountain….why don’t they just get it….) Um okay, moving on from that emotional mumbo jumbo.

You have permission to be picky about certain things. Think about the things that make you, you. What thing, if it was taken away from you, would make you feel like a small part of your heart had been ripped out? Now this is going to sound a bit mean, but those things aren’t worth jeopardising because of someone. If anything the person you are with, should recognise what you enjoy doing, and even if they don’t feel as passionate as you, still support and encourage you in it.

To say the least, I reckon lists ARE cool and can be very beneficial in outlining what attributes and qualities you think would complement your own. However, if it becomes the sole thing you refer to when selecting your ‘ideal date,’ I think that’s when lists can become a bit too INTENSE, because it’s in that process which we no longer look at the awesome person standing right in front of us, but compare them to a set of guidelines we pre-conceived, based on our own opinion. Besides, who’s to say that that awesome person standing in front of you isn’t the person that would bring you the greatest amount of joy in life. You never really know.







*(in reference to a written down on paper list, or one tucked away hidden in a journal, or a list that’s locked away in a time capsule, only to be opened in 30 years’ time)