Sunday, 9 December 2012

So there was this guy...

This is kind of a different blog post, instead of being a humorous and light hearted topic.

(If you've decided to continue reading, good on you you obviously enjoy reading blogs or feel sorry for me.)
I'll just start, I guess.

Dear person reading this who I may not know or may never meet, (but hi to you anyway,)

I am writing this letter to  you. Right now, I don't know where you are in life, what struggles you face or what merry things have flooded into your world. Maybe you have had a new cousin, daugther, baby, or maybe you just found out you've won the lotto (if you have feel free to donate a worthy charity aka.*).

I say these next things out of love. As I said earlier, I don't know where you are in life, but regardless I want you to know that just the thought of knowing you have to endure hard times, breaks my heart. I wish I could take all the pain and hurt away. Yet despite that, I want to acknowledge to you and say that I am so proud of you for getting through the tough times. You are a real trooper.

May I boldly say, and know, that you have an absolute purpose and reason for being where you are. It may be hard, hell it may be so hard you doubt whether you can actually get through it. But I want to remind you, that you are unique, their is NO ONE else on this earth like you. We tend to compare ourselves to people and say things like "that persons better than me at....or that person looks just like me, but I'm not as..." but the reality is that, that comparison can be such a toxic wasteland. It tries to make you think you aren't good enough, you could never be good enough. But you are good enough.

Lets step back for a sec...okay. Now, what sort of things do you enjoy doing? What things would you say you were good at, regardless of what others have said or told you, why do you do those things?
The reality is you are so uniquely designed for a purpose. Martin Luther King wasn't a Mother Theresa, he probably wouldn't have been half as good as Mother Theresa because he was good at public speaking, Mother Theresa on the other hand had a servants heart. Although they were both inspirational people they were needed we they were placed. Their personalities fitted the roles, and they flourished. So I guess were I trying to get at, is that you too, have a purpose, you are needed. I don't know to what scale (community, world, country, city or maybe even one person) but regardless you are needed and valued. It is only when we look for success in others success's that we feel disappointed and unworthy.

Now I don't want you to read these words and feel I am speaking to someone else, these words are meant for you. This is not some 'airy-fairy inspirational letter' I copy and pasted from somewhere on the web (even though that would have a been a whole lot easier). Every word I have said isn't coming from some superficial 'feel good' place either. I haven't written this for your approval or for acknowledgement. This has purely been written to give you a bit of hope and remind you how valued you are. Why do we wait until we pass away before nice things can be said about us? And so that is what this is. Its an acknowledgement and a thank you for being you.

Finally the last thing I wanna say:

If you feel like you're at the end of it, metaphorically, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and you feel like you can't fight for yourself. Try fighting for someone else.

Much love,
A friend.

(*not actual website, from what I know...yeah.)