Tuesday, 27 November 2012

True Beauty?

Sexy. Hot. Pretty. Gorgeous. Stunning. Cute. 

Words we all hope to be described as in one way or another. However recently I was really challenged with the idea of why is it we hardly call people beautiful?  Why is being beautiful any different.

It got me pondering and I realised that those words 'sexy, hot, pretty etc' are solely based on the outward appearance and as I began to mull over it, the more I began to realise what shallow words they really were.

BUT what I have found interesting is this word beautiful. I don't know about you but if I were to class someone as 'beautiful' I often take into consideration not just their outward appearance, but also their heart (are they nice people, do they care about others, do they  care about themselves etc). Which really got me thinking what is beauty? Why is it so hard to find genuinely beautiful people?

The way I thought of it was like this:
  •  The titles 'pretty, sexy, cute etc' require you to meet an expectation. You have to possess qualities associated with that attribute. Cute= petite, child like persona, sexy= vivacious, alluring etc.
  • However beauty, true beauty can be attained. It doesn't require anything of you that you don't already have. Each person has beauty it is instilled in you. Its always there, but it can been hidden and concealed. True beauty is when one is confident in themselves, recognises their uniqueness and embraces it.
Take at look at yourself (cheesy self reflection thing, I know):
  • Your gift of the gab
  •  your compassionate side
  •  your love for gaming
  • helping others
  • reading books
  • driving cars, whatever things you love to do that make you, you, are awesome!!!

The common cliche 'if everyone in the world were just themselves the world would be a beautiful place,' although it is majorly cheesy,  imagine how cool it would be if everyone embraced themselves instead of resenting themselves. SO everyone who had a desire or dream, were actually living out those dreams.

So why is that put so much pressure on being 'labelled' as sexy, hot, whatever and not as much time on just be the best possible 'you' you could be. You are the most beautiful you when you are your true self.

Just a bit of food for thought.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Hey Hot Stuff

Summer break! The two most glorious words that have hit this decade since...well.... no, there is no other two words more glorious. You could try bet it? and although jet-setting, winning-lotto and chocolate-strawberries were in a close 2nd, 3rd and 4th, they didn't quite win in the ultimate two word contest (good luck for next year guys.)

Besides being the best two word out, summer break is an all round pretty good time. Its the time of year when YOLO becomes more than just a word said in every second sentence.  We tend to be more  outdoors, (unless you've just brought the new Assassins Creed 3 then your absence of the sun is well justified) laying on the beach burning (or few some lucky few tanning, just pop some Aloe Vera on the burn after and you'll get that beaut tan *I take no responsibility if you peel two days later though*), jumping of some crazy as cliffs, and singing Koombiya around  campfires. Its pretty legit.

So in light of summer I figured why not pick out the ultimate top 10 places where I would love to be this summer if I could go anywhere in the world (yes, anywhere :O):

10) Vevey, Switzerland
9) Cairo, Egypt
8) Phuket Island, Thailand
7) Ibiza, Spain
6) Barcelona, Spain
5) Perth, Australia
4) Sienna, Italy
3) Abel Tasman, New Zealand
2) Cancun, Mexico
1) Bahamas, Caribbean

(I really wanted to put Mantel, Earth as my top 1, but its probably a bit too hot for my liking and there wasn't a cute resort close by.)

The unfortunate reality is I probably won't go to any of these places, but it doesn't mean summer has to be boring. Just take one look at the clip below for some fantastic ideas!!! :O hehe
