Saturday, 25 June 2011

Relationships: Part 1


What on earth are the ways you can enjoy a healthy, fun and fulfilling relationship.

In this post I am just sorta covering boyfrind/girlfriend/daitng kinda relationships in contrast to like family relationships ore friend relaiotnships. Just thought I'd clear that up first :)

I found this quite interesting,  but in the Hebrew language there are 3 words which are used to describe our 1 word Love. For many of you who know the English language we tend to chuck this word love around alot:
"I love you"
"I love chocolate"
"I looooooooooooveeeeee those shoes." You get where I'm going with this.

Now see in the Hebrew language love is broken up into three different words and this makes it ten times easier to show how much you LOVE something becuase it is more specific. These three words are:
  1. Raya
  2. Ahava
  3. Dod
They each describe different stages/elements of a relationship.

Raya is a close friendship, compainionship with someone of the opposite gender. (This is different from just a good guy/girl friend relationship but it means you have some form of attraction towards one another.) In this you learn about the other person, this is the time when you are getting to know about the person, by hanging out going on dates. At this stage this relationship isn't the most importnat one you should be investing your time in but moreso in your friends and family because you may find you have numerous 'Raya' relationships before you find someone who wants to take it to Ahava.    
   Dating would come under this.  

Ahava literally means deep affection, such desire to be with the other person it makes your heart break. Ahava is alot more stronger than Raya because it is at a stage were it is more profound than just your typical romantic goody good feeling. Ahava is so strong you feel you want to spend the rest of your life with that person. Ahava is comitment.
   Marriage would come under this.

Now Dod. Dod is the passionate, the sexual/physical side of the relationship. (Not gonna lie but if you really wanna know what this should 'Dod' should be like check out Song of Songs, only 8 chapters and its quite explicit and beautifully written.)
  This is where sex fits in.

Isn't it interesting how one word can become so specific!

I find this such an eye opener everytime! Just backing up what I said in one of my last posts about just having a mindset of  'the here and now.' You see if we live with this mindset, it can actually be quite destructive to our relationships because you think to only please here and now, and therefore doing things which only feel good here and now.

The best relaitonships which last start with:

Raya and this develops, whether is 6 months to 10yrs+. (Raya is such a short time span when you think about the fact you if you going tovspend the rest of your life with this person.)

Then comes Ahava

and finally Dod is there to continue that Ahava and  Raya, and to keep those flames going! Believe it or not sex was designed for a purpose.

By taking out one of these elements of the relationship you are actually making your relaitonship weaker and not allowing them too withstand time.
Invest and Nurture those relationships (aswell as keeping your relationships with friends and family up too scratch too.)

In some ways relationships are kinda like exams, at first you have to study and learn for the test, and then you sit the test, and then later you see the results of all your hard work.

Check out wicked book Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, it portrays what love really should look, be and feel like.

Hope this gotten some of you thinking about where you are in your relationships.
Next time Part 2 of Relationships :)
Take care!

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